Wednesday, June 22, 2011

The South Loop of Yellowstone

We were on the road at 6:00 AM this morning headed for Yellowstone National Park.  Our tour took us around the south loop of the park. We were hoping to see a lot of a variety of animals but were a little disappointed.  We saw a few elk, one black bear, a lot of Bison, a Sandhill Crane family and a ton of Canada Geese.

Female Elk

Sandhill Crane Family

Bison Shedding its Winter Coat

View of Yellowstone Lake

View From East Entrance Road

The south loop has many thermal features. We passed up mingling with the crowds at Old Faithful and spent our time at less crowded places. We had breakfast while observing two Bison feeding and our lunch was overlooking the Midway Geyser Basin.

Geyser at Black Sand Geyser Basin

Geyser on Firehole Lake Road

Our Picnic Site Overlooking Midway Geyser Basin

After we got back to the Winnebago I went out and got a few shots of the wild daisies growing in profusion near our RV Park.

Field of Daisies Near our Winnebago

Two Daisies

We went for a drive after dinner and were rewarded with a moose sighting. This young bull moose was kind enough to pose for me.

Young Bull Moose

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