Saturday, June 25, 2011

Lazy Saturday

After breakfast I went to the Henry's Lake Outlet to do a little fly fishing. After a lot of effort I was able to hook a nice Cutthroat Trout who was happily returned to the stream. Sorry not phots as I didn't want to harm the fish and I was a hundred yards down river from the camera.

The views from the river were to die for. How can you not enjoy fishing with views like these.

View from my Fishing Hole

On the way back to the Winnebago I stopped to take another shot of the daisies (called Mule's Ears) with the mountain in the background.  I thought this was an improvement over my earlier shot.

Daisies and Mountain

We spent the afternoon catching up on chores and relaxing. I smoke grilled a pork tenderloin for dinner and it tasted great.

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