Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Cobb Mountain

After Shasta we continued south to Jellystone Park at Cobb Mountain, a destination RV Park west of Clear Lake in Lake County just north of Napa Valley. We arrived at noon on Friday and Karyn, Todd and kids arrived at 7:30 PM. We had great fun and by coincidence friend Mike Lyon was there with his son Matt and Matt's sons James and Spencer. It was a nice time of visiting and enjoying good food and wine. Matt and the boys went bass fishing in Clear Lake on Saturday and shared their catch with us. Very delicious.

Todd & Lucia in Boat

Karyn & Beckett

Mary & Lucia with Yogi Crew

Todd & Lucia with Yogi Crew

On Monday, the 4th of July, our friend Gregg Scott from Lakeport joined us for lunch. It was nice to see him again and talk about old times.

Greg Scott

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