Thursday, June 30, 2011

Shasta Day 2

The day dawned bright and clear so we loaded the picnic in the car and headed for Mount Shasta. Our progress was thwarted at 6,900 ft where the road was closed because of snow.

Mount Shasta in the Snow

Having done what we could do on Mount Shasta we decided to take a drive to the old lumber town of McCloud. There we found a fascinating museum with a lot of stuff from the old logging days. My two favorites were the pre-runner to the chain saw and a box of really strange hammers. If you know what they were used for let me know.

Early 1900s Version of a Portable Saw

Strange Hammers

Whilst in McCloud we learned about the waterfalls on the McCloud River east of town so that is where we went next. There are three falls but I liked the Middle Falls best. We enjoyed our picnic lunch at Lower Falls.

Lower Falls

Middle Falls

Upper Falls

In the afternoon my quest became capturing a decent image of Mount Shasta.

Mount Shasta from Near Camp

Mount Shasta and Farm

California sure has a lot of beautiful scenery.

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